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Showing posts from May 19, 2019

Weather /climate change and your coffee

Weather unpredictability/climate change is a leading factor in  future coffee prices. Making the small coffee grower looking to expand their land used to cultivate coffee.    Felling of rain forests will accelerate current trends in a changing climate. adding even more unpredictability to coffee supplies and future prices.   With the current world price at 90 cents a pound is making profitability in many countries nearly impossible With production cost at about $1.50 per pound.   The shortest answer is to grow more coffee witch takes more land, ,fewer trees, more c02, additional climate effects .   Climate change and general weather unpredictability are one of the driving forces in the roller coaster ride coffee prices are having and will likely continue to have in the foreseeable  future. Perhaps second only to the never ending political unrest in many coffee growing regions. 

Is Your Coffee Habit Causing Climate Change?

Is Your Coffee Habit Causing Climate Change? Facebook Twitter Pinterest Reddit Share C offee is a drink that many people around the world rely on. It helps a lot of us function and can prepare us for the busy day ahead. However, coffee is much more than just a beverage. It is the second most traded commodity in the world (after oil) and is now a growing multibillion-dollar industry, making it a product that has a massive impact on both the economy as well as the environment. Many of us are aware of fair-trade coffee, but not many people think about how its growth has an impact on our planet. Today, we will be looking at the impact coffee has on our environment and what consumers can do to help reduce it. Coffee Growth Requirements [pullquote]Many forested areas that support coffee growth need to face alterations to allow room for the coffee and canopies for the mass production of coffee. Areas that are highly elevated in tropical or subtropical environments are the most common places t...

How climate change is affecting your coffee