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Showing posts from March 15, 2015

Men and coffee on instagram. Does it have the legs to last?

Men and coffee. The instagram account that is a men's version of maxim with coffee.    The men range from GQ to tattooed from head to toe. The boy next door to the bad boy from the wrong side of the tracks.   What ever your taste in men it is likely there. It's only a matter of time before women with coffee comes into the spot light. Soon followed by pets and coffee, plant and coffee and so on and so on.     Men and coffee is flying high now however it will likely have lost it's luster by the time Pre season football is back.   Go Colts! 

K cups are not killing the planet and you know it.

  The K cup controversy just keeps going and going. The halls echo with the cry's.....they are filling our land fills....they would circle the earth dozens of times.....there killing the planet!   Get a grip people. K cups, even in their billions are not filling land fills. No more than used coffee grounds are. Just look at what you thro away every day and by any measure those K cups are meaningless.   The media buzz over K cups and land fills is just one way the other makers are making trouble for Keurig and it's Keurig only K cups.  So if you are a K cup user take hart. Your not filling the land fills or killing the planet. You are just a pawn in the fight over who sells you your coffee and how.  

iPhone Starbucks coffee app what's it do?

After experimenting with having two separate apps, Starbucks finally unified them into a single, got to have app. This app allows you to manage your Starbucks card, pay for your purchases, track your rewards, find a store, see a menu, buy a gift, apply for a job, and more!    If you're a Starbucks fan, you need to have this app. In theory you can go ahead and dump those other two; this one replaces them entirely. However, be aware that some users are complaining that their information from the mobile card app was lost in the switch, so be sure you've backed everything up first.   The Starbucks® app for iPhone® is the quickest, easiest way to pay for your coffee—no wallet necessary. The app is completely redesigned with an improved interface, a more personal dashboard experience, digital tipping and other great features, including easy access to our loyalty program, My Starbucks Rewards®.

Coffee and your IPhone. There's an app for that.

It's a typical busy day the pointless text's and e-mails are never ending. What to do next you ask yourself. Pay the mortgage or update your facebook page.  The IPhone beckons you once again....this could be important tho...your House of Cards ring tone means high priority.  Unable to fill your request.. the message begins. Water level low. Is this a joke you first think. But then it comes to you. That new MR Coffee app you installed last week. Your coffee will not be ready when you do finally do make it home. What a way to end the week you mumble to yourself.  You take a deep breath and prepare to finish out your day in peace.... but no. Like a baby needing changing your IPhone cries out the Empire Strikes Back sound track. Great your think ..the boss.  Will it ever end?

Arsenic in your California wine? Lab sayes yes.

  A class action lawsuit says many California wineries produced and sold wine with high levels of arsenic.   The suit was filed earlier this week in a California Superior Court saying that 28 wineries knowingly violated California law by producing wine contaminated with arsenic and failed to inform consumers about the potential dangers. Testing on the wines was done at BeverageGrades in Denver Colorado. The lab tested over 1,300 different types of wine and found over 80 showed dangerous levels of inorganic arsenic. With two additional labs confirming the results.   According to the lawsuit, some wines contained arsenic levels that exceeded the safe daily intake limit by 500%.  The majority of the wines listed in the lawsuit are lower cost white or blush varieties, including Moscato, Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blanc. Some brands named in the lawsuit are Franzia, Sutter H...

Starbuck to do delivery in NYC and Seattle this summer.

Starbucks fans in New York City will soon be able to have their iced lattes delivered right to their door or office. It has been said that Starbucks plans to start a delivery service in Seattle and New York City later this year. The Seattle service will cover homes and offices, but only office buildings will be served in New York, starting with the Empire State Building. Orders will have to be made online only. There will be no minimum purchase required, but a delivery fee will apply. Starbucks says it expects the average delivery time to be 30 minutes from placing the order. So is a cup of Starbucks coffee worth the cost of the coffee, delivery fee, tax, and tip? And you thought K cups were expensive.  

Starbucks in the hot seat over spilled hot coffee.

  Yet one more law suit over spilled hot coffee. Matthew Kohr a Raleigh North Carolina police officer received a "free" cup of coffee at the Starbucks on Peace Street in January 2012, only to have the lid popped off and the cup folded in on itself, according to the lawsuit.    Kohr said he poured cold water on the burn, but the pain only intensified. Kohr claims his injuries aggravated his Crohn's disease, and resulted in surgery to remove a portion of his intestine.   The incident, according to the lawsuit, also caused Kohr's wife, Melanie, the loss of a "source of emotional support, her social companion and her intimate partner." Kohr is seeking compensation, including damages, attorney fees and medical costs, totaling more than $10,000. The coffee maker also mentioned that the coffee was given to Kohr free of charge and that the officer "was negligent in his use of the product."

Clear Styrofoam cups for your coffee?

  Is a clear Styrofoam cup in your future? Most likely at some point. The standard Styrofoam cup comes in all colors and art work know to man except one, clear. Now I am not talking clear plastic but true Styrofoam.  "Caution contents HOT" has real meaning when served in a standard plastic cup clear or other wise.   Plastic cups have little no insulation property's and that paper sleeve is little help. Why clear you ask? Your coffee will taste better, really. Test have given us this insight into the human mind. Trendy cup have been hitting the news lately like the KFC's Cookie cup. Cups with seed in them. Bio degradable cups and so on and so on. It is only a mater of time before a clear Styrofoam cup comes to market. With consumers willing to pay high dollar for  K cups. A new trendy clear Styrofoam cup will be an instant hit. But will they get the feel right?

Does how your coffee cup feels effect the taste?

The difference is clear. The color, or lack of it, does effect what your coffee tastes like.   People given the exact same coffee only in different colored cups did express a difference in taste. Black cups got the response that the coffee was bitter. The coffee in white cups were said to be flat and low in flavor. Other assorted colors resulted in similar results with the darker colors leaning toward a bitter taste and lighter color cups were line with a white cup.  The clear winner in this test is a clear cup. A large majority of the test subjects said that the coffee in the clear cup tasted the most like the coffee they drank blind folded.  However there appears to be other cup selections missing from this test. That paper, metal, plastic, or other of the countless materials coffee cups are made of today.   It's not only the color of the cup that appears to make a difference as to how the coffee taste but what the cup feels like ...

Red Wine a little helps a lot.

 Moderate alcohol intake—perhaps red wine especially—is associated with health and long life, This appears to be the standing thought from many health experts today.   Light drinking in general—up to a drink a day for women, and two for men—is known to be good for you. It’s associated with lower risk for coronary artery disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure and stroke. With most experts agreeing that red wine takes the first place. Red wine is clearly the drink of choice if you are doing light to moderate drinking for your health, and daily consumption just before or with the evening meal may be the most protective pattern.  So this brings us to the next question. Are all Red wines equal in their health benefits or does a top of the line Red wine have more of what your looking for over a lower cost Red wine?  

Coffee bean demand expected to be up 25% in 5 years.

The world is drinking more and more coffee, with an increase in demand of about  25% in the next five years, according to the International Coffee Organization. Coffee sales are increasing in China, India and Latin America. Coffee demand is expected to increase to 175.8 million bags by 2020 up from 141.6 million bags now. The Africa Fine Coffee Conference in Nairobi was told last week.  Each bag of coffee beans weighs about 132 pounds. With a cost of about 91 cents per pound.  The strong demand projection comes at a time of tight global coffee supplies, which pushed prices to multiyear highs last year in large part because of the historic drought in Brazil, the world’s largest grower.  Hording is some country's has been reported in an attempt to maintain current prices. This has been mostly in the south east Asia market.