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Showing posts from May 10, 2015

Coffee and your work out. It helps.

  A study done by the University of Illinois says that drinking up to three cups of coffee one hour before a strong work out has benefits.   Reduced perceived pain during and after the work out is just one. Caffeine helps to block Adenosine. A compound your body makes when you have inflammation due to exercise. Making it just a little easer to go that extra mile in that work out.   An increased alertness is one more. This increase give a person the focus that improves your determination to achieve your exercise bench marks. Some study's have demonstrated that pro athletes perform above their base line levels when they consume coffee shorty before they compete in their selected sport.   

Victoria Secrets Fashion show with your morning coffee at the drive thru. #coffee

   Is the drive thru at your local coffee shop turning into a fashion show for Victoria Secrets? In some parts of the country the quick answer would be a resounding yes.   A hand full of drive thru coffee shops are staffing their drive thru windows with what could be described as aspiring Hooters servers.  Many with not much more on than a smile, are cheerfully serving up that hot cup of Joe for the morning rush.  Some local politicians are at a loss. The Business owners have researched the law well and are right up to the line on just what they can do. If hooters can do it so can we is the most often heard reply to any and all criticism or threats of regulation.  How long will it be before a loose lid causes a tragic accident that will make the recent coffee spill in a police officers lap in North Carolina look like a walk in the park.  

N.C Policeman takes over 2 hours to seek treatment for coffee spill burn.

You just spilled a very hot cup of coffee on your lap. What do you do?  Well it depends. If your are a North Carolina police officer you have your wife drive you home to take pictures of the effected part of your body.  Then you drive back to the police station to get you truck and then after a time laps of over 2 hours go to an urgent care center.  Sounds reasonable. NOT..... As of this posting the jury is still debating on what if any liability Starbuck's has in this case. But what inquiring minds want to know is. When will the pictures the police officer took  be on the net?