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Showing posts from April 5, 2015

Chocolate used to attract bears during hunting season.

     In New Hampshire bear hunters had their say on Wednesday April  8, 2015 concerning a proposal to ban the use of chocolate to lure bears. Last fall of four Bears  were found to have died as a result of being poisoned by cocoa-based sweets, (chocolate). The hunters, delivered the message that the proposed ban was not needed to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Commission in Concord .   If approved, the measure would prohibit the use of all "chocolate and cocoa derivatives" as bait for black bears starting in September 2015 and runs through November2015. The ban was proposed is a result of the fatal poisoning of two female bears and two cubs in September 2014. They were found dead a short distance from  a baiting site that had been stocked with nearly a hundred pounds of baking chocolate. State lab tests determined the bears died from an overdose of theobromine, a...

Cuban coffee embargo to end soon?

 The Cuban Coffee industry is controlled by the government. The resulting regulations and systems that are in place, sets Cuba apart from most other coffee-producing country's.  The trade embargo the US has had with Cuba since the early 1960s has made exporting coffee and nearly anything else to the US almost imposable, resulting in a coffee that is not only nearly imposable to get, but also very expensive.  The recent talks between the US and Cuba has raised that hopes  that the embargo may finally be lifted, setting a path for a regeneration of the country’s coffee exports.   If the embargo is lifted, there is almost certainly going to be strong demand from the US. If only for the trendiness of having some thing that others don't. Not to mention the excellent coffee that can be grown in Cuba.  Will the relationship the US and China have be the model for how trade...

Cuban coffee on the way for the USA.

  The United States has had a trade embargo with Cuba since the 1960's. Most people think of Cuba's cigars as the #1 item that Americans would jump at the chance to purchase again. Not so fast, Cuba has a coffee growing tradition. Cuba has the kind of elevation and climate needed to grow good coffees, but for decades it has been shut off from some of the techniques and expertise that have been used to produce high-quality coffees that fetch premium prices on world markets.    Over the past year, Cuba has exported 1.7 million pounds of coffee, according to figures compiled by the International Coffee Organization. Meanwhile, Costa Rica — a country with half the land area and half the population as Cuba — has exported 158.4 million pounds over the past year.  While President Obama announced earlier this year  that he was reestablishing diplomatic relations with Cuba and making a several  other changes, lifting the travel and tra...

3 Quick and easy coffee recipes

COFFEE BANANA COOLER In a blender, combine and blend together: 2 tbsp NESCAFÉ CLASSIC 1 piece of banana 2 tbsp sweetened cocoa ¼ cup condensed milk Shaved ice Makes 2 servings ICED COFFEE DELUXE In a shaker or blender, combine: 2 tsp NESCAFÉ coffee powder (e.g. GOLD, CLASSIC) 2 tsp sugar 1 Tbsp hot water 200 ml milk, chilled 1 cube of vanilla ice cream Crushed ice Makes 1 serving MAPLE COFFE FRAPPÉ In a shaker or blender combine: 2 tsp NESCAFÉ CLASSIC Soluble Coffee 1 tbsp hot water 2 tbsp maple syrup 3/4 cup water, chilled 1/4 cup cream crushed ice Makes 2 servings

Coffee grounds and heathy skin.

 The caffeine and antioxidants in coffee are moderately effective to mitigate the appearance of cellulite in the short term. As a stimulant, the caffeine in coffee dilates blood vessels, which temporarily tones and tightens tissue. Plus, it increases circulation and reduces water retention, both of which may also help smooth the rumpled look of cellulite. The antioxidants in coffee may help to release toxins, which   Try using fresh ground coffee to maximize the benefits, as it has more antioxidants and caffeine than used coffee grounds.    Mix 1/4 cup ground coffee with 3 tablespoons hot water and let the mixture sit for 10 minutes to absorb the water and form a paste. Then, mix in 2 tablespoons of olive oil to help bind the grinds. (This will make it easier to spread on, and offer extra moisturizing effects.) Cleanse problem areas in a warm shower, then turn off the water and apply the scrub by massaging in a circular motion for two to four minutes with your...

Coffee/Caffeine good for people. Bad news for your pets.

   Coffee and other sources of caffeine are bad news for your pets.   Caffeine is most commonly found in coffee, coffee grounds, tea, used tea bags, soda, energy drinks and diet pills. Theobromine, a cousin chemical to caffeine is also found chocolate.   Pets are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine than people are. While 1-2 laps of coffee, tea or soda will not contain enough caffeine to cause poisoning in most pets, the ingestion of moderate amounts of coffee grounds, tea bags or 1-2 diet pills can easily cause death in small dogs or cats.   So if you have pets that like to snoop in the trash can. Take care with those coffee grounds and tea bags. Vet bills are not cheap.

Coffee and your Cardiovascular system.

Cardiovascular Protection and coffee. If you are serious about health you know the importance of a healthy cardiovascular system. What you  may not know is that by simply drinking one or two cups of coffee per day they could have a significantly reduced risk of cardiovascular disease-related death. According to a Japanese study of more than 76,000 participants, men consuming one to two cups of coffee daily reduced their risk of dying from a cardiovascular disease by as much as 38%. Keep in mind you still have to exercise. A cup of coffee is not a replacement for a good long walk. Risk Aversion with moderate coffee consumption. Want to lower your risk of death? A National Institutes of Health – AARP Diet and Health study of more than 400,000 people revealed that drinking coffee might be the answer. Between 1995 and 2008, male participants drinking even just one daily cup reduced their risk of death by 6%. Drinking either two to three cups o...