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New Starbucks Express opens in New York City.

The new Starbucks express is opening soon on Wall Street in New York City.

  Starbucks Express is a result of the coffee drinking public wanting their coffee fix faster. Yet will not compromise on Starbucks quality coffee's and high end décor.
  Starbucks express is introducing new efficiency's into the ordering process. A Starbuck employee will come to you in line and send your order in byway of a wireless devise. This step is hoped to reduce your weight time from placing your order to having you drink by as much as half.
This is from the typical 4 minute weight time at your local Starbucks today.

 Perhaps Starbucks could make a marked decrease in the time from when your orders is places to in your hand would be if Starbucks would have a coffee only lane. Let the people who want the more labor and time consuming drinks have the longer weight time. 


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