We have all seen the disposal fee on the old tires we have replace and the used oil when we have an oil change. Now at least in Great Britain it's that paper cup that is up next for a disposal fee.
Prof Wouter Poortinga said some 2.5 billion disposable cups are used annually. The findings are due to be submitted to a UK government inquiry into waste."Our results show that, on average, the use of reusable coffee cups could be increased by up to 12.5% with a combination of measures," a disposal fee in other words. Prof Poortinga said.
"People are far more sensitive to losses than to gains when making decisions - so if we really want to change a customer's behavior then a charge on a disposable cup is more likely to be effective."
Every one wants a clean environment. The cost of the disposal of your one use cup is already in the price you just payed for that $4.99 Grande from Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts.
This additional fee is just one more source of tax revenue that will simply grow government.
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