How is Cold Brewed Coffee Prepared?
The preparation of cold brewed coffee is simple. Measure a ratio of 1 part coarsely ground coffee with 4.5 parts water. Combine these in a glass container or pitcher and store in the refrigerator or at room temperature for at least 8 hours. Gently shake the container once or twice during the cold brewing process to further extract the flavors.When the steeping process is complete it’s time to strain. Strain the coffee first through a mesh sieve, then strain again through something more fine, like cheesecloth, until there are no visible coffee particles left in the brew.
This cold brewed coffee will be strong, and it needs to be diluted with water before drinking. Start with a 1 part coffee 3 parts water ratio, and adjust to your personal taste. This coffee extract can be stored safely in the refrigerator for up to a week. This coffee extract is extremely versatile, and can be used in any recipe calling for coffee as an ingredient.
As the palate of the coffee lover changes, the coffee producing and preparing communities need to adjust to the consumers’ more discriminating palate. While cold brew coffee is not a new brewing method, it is one that is very appropriate for the specialty and boutique coffees that are now more available to the public than ever before. As coffee drinkers become more knowledgeable about specialty coffees and about the best ways to coax the nuanced flavors from the beans, we can expect to see a rise in specialty brewing methods as well.
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