4 Ways to Make Your Coffee Habit More Eco-Friendly @alternet: Your morning cup of joe comes with some complex environmental impacts. This one is gonna hurt. Although the brew that 62 percent of Americans rely on to perk up each morning has some amazing health upsides, it also comes with some complex environmental impacts. Unless you buy, make, and schlep your cup of joe with care, you could be hurting the planet. Here’s how to be a more mindful coffee consumer.1. Buy 'Green' BeansEarth-friendly labels abound in the coffee aisle, but what do they all mean? Here’s a quick primer:
Weather unpredictability/climate change is a leading factor in future coffee prices. Making the small coffee grower looking to expand their land used to cultivate coffee. Felling of rain forests will accelerate current trends in a changing climate. adding even more unpredictability to coffee supplies and future prices. With the current world price at 90 cents a pound is making profitability in many countries nearly impossible With production cost at about $1.50 per pound. The shortest answer is to grow more coffee witch takes more land, ,fewer trees, more c02, additional climate effects . Climate change and general weather unpredictability are one of the driving forces in the roller coaster ride coffee prices are having and will likely continue to have in the foreseeable future. Perhaps second only to the never ending political unrest in many coffee growing regions.
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